A New Call for Art will be Available Soon

Deadline to apply: 

Show Theme – 

Eligibility – All artists, over 18 years old may enter. 

Results announced on our website & online exhibition:  2025

Media – sculptures, 2D works in all types of media including photography. 3D works accepted if they can be hanged on the wall.

Permanent Juror – Inna Wars, art curator 

Judging Criteria – Originality, interpretation, quality, demonstration of ability and usage of medium 

Administration cost25 USD for up to 2 artworks.  Entry Fee is non-refundable.

Multiple entries are permitted.


1st Place: 

2nd Place: 

3rd Place: 

“Merit Award” – free entry for the next shows. 

Certificates of Participation 

All accepted artworks will be displayed on our website and will receive an extensive worldwide online promotion. Selected artwork will be featured on our social media pages. 

Sales – If a sale happens because of the online exhibition, no commissions charged.

Image Requirements: Image should not exceed 2MB. Image should be in jpeg format. 


  • Please check our website to view the competition results. We will contact by email only the winners, Merit Awards, Honorable Mentions, and physical exhibition participants by email with further details and instructions.
  • Entry fee is non-refundable.
  • This is an Online-Only show, no physical exhibition will follow this Art Competition.

By sending your application, you agree to the conditions stated above.

    Use Bitly: (for long Web addresses please use Bitly to shorten your link, otherwise, it won’t be displayed correctly on our website)

    Image Requirements
    - Image should not exceed 2MB.
    - Image should be in jpeg format.
    - Image should not contain any frame, mat, or watermark.
    - Image should be labeled as LastName-FirstName-TitleofArt.jpeg
    - Image should be clear and in focus, this represents your work and it will be displayed the same way it is received.

    Usage Rights
    By clicking accept, you, the artist, agrees to allow HelvetArt Association to use your image for the following purposes: online art exhibition, future show marketing, promotional, and display purposes. You, the artist, agrees to allow HelvetArt Association to archive your image as part of a show.

    This will be available for public viewing on our website. Your image will include your name, title of your work, and your website or contact information, if applicable. The artist shall maintain all copyrights of any image that they submit to HelvetArt Association. Images shall not be resold, exchanged or copied.

    By participating in the HelvetArt online competition and exhibition, the artist acknowledges their unconditional acceptance of the Terms and Conditions.

    Please click on the submit button to proceed to the payment page